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Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways hosting work party and educational experience, October 15, 2022

On Saturday October 15, 2022 at 10:00 AM, the Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways will be hosting a work party and an opportunity to learn more about our waterways from those that have firsthand experience and knowledge of the waterways. The focus of the work will be Fishhook Canal.
We will meet at 947 Hassalo Ave SE.

Everyone over 18 is more than welcome to join us even if unable to do the physical work. We love to share our knowledge, future plans, and perhaps help stop some of the misinformation and “hearsay” regarding the waterways.

Dress appropriately, and bring gloves if you plan on helping. It would help if you bring a life preserver in case you want to join us on the work boat providing you have basic on-water experience working on a wet and slippery boat deck. 

To help please fill out and bring the Volunteer Form available on our website at:

Thank you,
Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Team.